It can result in a diffuse loss of eyebrow hair. It usually occurs in response to systemic disease or altered physiological states such as severe emotional stress, etc.
Telogen effluvium is an increased shedding of otherwise normal telogen hairs. Telogen effluvium is the most common cause of hair loss.It may be scarring or non-scarring, depending on the aetiology. It is common, and occurs in association with both systemic and localised conditions. Madarosis refers to loss of eyebrows or eyelashes. In rare cases, it has been seen as an early manifestation of conjunctival melanoma. It may be associated with inflammation: ocular causes include chronic anterior blepharitis and sympathetic ophthalmitis. Classically, poliosis is associated with several genetic syndromes, including piebaldism, Waardenburg's syndrome and tuberous sclerosis. Microscopically there is decreased or absent melanin in the affected hair follicles. This is premature, localised whitening of the lashes and eyebrows (it may involve any hairy area of the body). Distichiasis requires more involved oculoplastic surgery.Other than epilation, these treatments are carried out in an oculoplastics unit and the success rate is around 70%.Where there is a localised growth of lashes that are otherwise treatment-resistant, a wedge resection of that part of the lid may be performed.Electrolysis and cryotherapy offer more permanent solutions.Limiting scar formation (for example, through good control of meibomian gland inflammation or blepharitis).With the exception of distichiasis, treatment is aimed at: It is often associated with cicatricial entropion. Rarely, congenital metaplastic eyelashes occur where there is a partial or complete second row of lashes (distichiasis) behind the meibomian gland orifices. This may cause misdirection of a normal lash or the growth of metaplastic lashes. It is a major cause of ocular morbidity and usually arises secondary to inflammation and scarring of the eyelash follicles. Trichiasis is a lid margin disorder in which the eyelashes are misdirected and in contact with the ocular surface. Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction.See the separate articles listed below for more detail: This article gives an overview of conditions affecting the lashes, the lids and the lacrimal system.