Solve Elec offers a comprehensive set of components to choose from. Properties of each of these can be configured to meet various functionalities, while staying within circuit limitations. Any component that exceeds its maximum rating simply blows up on the screen during simulation. Set the threshold value for the diode to zero for operating under ideal conditions. The same concept is extended to light emitting diodes, with the threshold now responsible for the colour of the light emitted. Whenever an op-amp appears in the circuit, Solve Elec uses its ideal model to perform circuit analysis.

Care needs to be taken with respect to the operating region of the amplifier, as once saturated, output voltage ceases to be sinusoidal and analysis is abandoned. Transistors being non-linear components are not allowed in AC designs. The hardest part of any design activity is the documentation that follows. A report menu in Solve Elec panel provides an easy method of selecting and combining various elements displayed in the main window, to create a readymade report. This could include details like circuit drawings, graphs, formulae and circuit properties. There is also a provision to add editable text fields and images from other applications, and you can even have a report plan, which is similar to the contents page in manually-created ones. Version 2.5 of Solve Elec is free to use and supports both MAC and Windows.
Easy to get acquainted with and comfortable to work on, this is a useful software for beginners or advanced users in the domain of electrical engineering. Priya Ravindran is M.Sc (electronics) from VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu.Free and Open source circuit simulator software list. NgSpice – one of the popular and widely used free, open source circuit simulator from Sourceforge.
NgSpice is developed by a collective effort from its users and its code is based on 3 open source software packages:- known as:- Spice3f5, Cider and Xspice. Ngspice is a part of gEDA project which is growing every day with suggestions from its users, development from its contributors, fixing bugs and approaching perfection. As its a collaborative project you can suggest improvement of the circuit simulator and be a part of the development team. GnuCap – is another open source project, developed as a general purpose circuit simulator.